Thanks to everyone who attended my “Marketing Made Easy” workshop at the Atlanta Build Expo on July 12.
Here is a brief summary of the session, and a link at the bottom of the page to download a PDF of the presentation.
About Marketing Made Easy – How to Find the Right Mix for Your Design & Construction Business:
The Marketing Made Easy presentation is designed for business owners and marketing representatives who are confused about their options. Gain tips on how to prioritize activities and select a marketing mix that works well for your situation.
The presentation outlines the differences between B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing strategies in the construction industry. Learn about new marketing opportunities, such as leveraging social media. Also learn about the importance of traditional marketing activities, such as face-to-face meetings, that are still relevant.
Learn how to set SMART marketing goals and gain insights on how to create a program that generates the right leads for a business. Learn about the importance of connecting with past, present and future clients. The presentation reviews marketing basics and discusses how to layer advanced strategies such as publicity, online marketing and social media programs into a mix.
If you need assistance in selecting the right mix for your business, please contact me for a consultation.
Please download a PDF of the presentation, including links to all resources, by clicking below:
Marketing Made Easy for Build Expo