” My firm struggled for years to get our hands around even minimal in-house marketing and business development efforts. One reason was that time was never there to focus on them. The other was that we simply are not trained and experienced to make the efforts effective. Lori has started to solve those problems for us and is patiently leading us down the path toward establishing a much more professional presence. I am grateful for her willingness to sift through and organize what resources we had available and generate meaningful and professional looking materials that represent well. She also takes the initiative to recommend steps and processes that are able to be included in our schedule and continue to improve and expand our work together. She has taken a messy situation, given it a structure and worked with us to give it life. Clients have repeatedly commented on the improvement and the manner in which it represents our firm. I am very thankful for Lori and her skills and professionalism.”
Kip Oldham, President
K.A. Oldham Design, Inc. (KAOD)